SMOKESABRE Smoke detector tester

SMOKESABRE Smoke detector tester 

Use of SMOKESABRE test gas:

  • Hand-held spray tester for fast and effective testing, covering the sensitivity range of all smoke detectors.

The detectors for which the gas is intended:

  • optical smoke detectors.

SMOKESABRE tester characteristics:

  • universal testing product,
  • rapid activation of the detector and escape of the gas,
  • During application, air is drawn in through the nozzle orifices and this, combined with the Venturi effect, improves the speed and vapourisation process of the 'smoke' particles in the air,
  • the detector is not adversely affected by the agent, even after repeated use, nor does it make it dirty,
  • a complete unit that requires no additional equipment,
  • lower testing costs.